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《美股新年開局「5年來首收黑」! 台積電ADR逆勢大漲2.4%創新高》【2021.01.05雅琴看世界 The View with Catherine Chang』】

●台灣商務客也禁入! 朝日新聞:日本政府將全面鎖國●莫德納2021疫苗產量預估6-10億劑●耗時七年! 中歐投資協定即將簽署●Japan considers extending travel ban to business visitors from Taiwan●Moderna increases minimum 2021 Covid vaccine production by 20% to 600 million doses●China scores an EU investment deal before Biden takes office — and it wants to do more

●台灣商務客也禁入! 朝日新聞:日本政府將全面鎖國


●耗時七年! 中歐投資協定即將簽署

Japan considers extending travel ban to business visitors from Taiwan

Moderna increases minimum 2021 Covid vaccine production by 20% to 600 million doses

China scores an EU investment deal before Biden takes office — and it wants to do more

Commentator: Catherine Chang 張雅琴

Executive Producer: Kana Hosokawa 細川華奈

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