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《川普簽署「台灣保證法」 促對台軍售常態化》【2020.12.28雅琴看世界 The View with Catherine Chang』】

●由上而下遵從黨意!美記者點破中共海軍「有指揮問題」●兩岸問題 拜登團隊:支持符合台灣意願方案●英國班機返台!127人1高燒4人有症狀 急診醫:入境是否考慮全部篩檢●The Chinese Navy Has A Command Problem●Japan official, calling Taiwan 'red line,' urges Biden to 'be strong'●Taiwan started first flight from UK since emergence of mutant coronavirus strain


●兩岸問題 拜登團隊:支持符合台灣意願方案

●英國班機返台!127人1高燒4人有症狀 急診醫:入境是否考慮全部篩檢

●The Chinese Navy Has A Command Problem

●Japan official, calling Taiwan 'red line,' urges Biden to 'be strong'

●Taiwan started first flight from UK since emergence of mutant coronavirus strain

Commentator: Catherine Chang 張雅琴

Executive Producer: Kana Hosokawa 細川華奈

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