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《川普1hr電話錄音曝!施壓喬州州務卿「翻盤」》【2021.01.04雅琴看世界 The View with Catherine Chang』】

●萊豬開放!蘇貞昌4日視察台北港●台灣贏韓國!韓媒讚台經濟成長「世界第一」...完勝看中國臉色的南韓●縣市長不配合萊豬政策恐遭撤職? 江啟臣:做好對抗威權的準備●Taiwan Premier examines the US pork imports today.●South Korea media- "The Chosun Ilbo" praised Taiwan for leading over it.●KMT Chairman warns that the opposition of US pork import could lead to dismissal.



●縣市長不配合萊豬政策恐遭撤職? 江啟臣:做好對抗威權的準備

●Taiwan Premier examines the US pork imports today.

South Korea media- "The Chosun Ilbo" praised Taiwan for leading over it.

KMT Chairman warns that the opposition of US pork import could lead to dismissal.

Commentator: Catherine Chang 張雅琴

Executive Producer: Kana Hosokawa 細川華奈

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